Meaning and Lyrics of Around by daste.

Song Lyrics meaning of Around by daste.

About daste.

daste. is an emerging indie-pop trio hailing from the Gold Coast, Australia. Formed in 2018, the band consists of Tyler Harden, Callum MacDonald, and Bryce Armitage.

Their sound blends dreamy synth-pop with chillwave elements, creating a lush, atmospheric soundscape that’s both nostalgic and forward-thinking. daste.’s music often features ethereal vocals, shimmering guitars, and pulsing electronic beats.

The band gained traction with their debut EP “Palette” in 2019, which showcased their ability to craft infectious, laid-back tunes. Their 2020 single “somebody like you” further cemented their reputation as rising stars in the indie scene.

“Around,” released in 2021, is a perfect example of daste.’s signature sound. The track’s hazy production and wistful lyrics epitomize their ability to create emotionally resonant, sonically rich music that feels both intimate and expansive.

daste. continues to evolve their sound and grow their fanbase, positioning themselves as ones to watch in the ever-evolving landscape of indie pop.

Meaning of Around by daste.

The song “Around” by daste seems to revolve around a plea for emotional support and companionship amidst struggles and challenges. The repetition of the phrases “Help me hold onto something now” and “Keep me around” in the chorus and verses conveys a sense of desperation and a longing for stability and connection.

The lyrics suggest that the narrator has been through various difficulties, as indicated by the lines “I been through all of it.” This could imply a journey of hardships, obstacles, or personal battles that have tested the narrator’s strength and resilience. The recurring “Yeah, yeah, yeah” in the pre-chorus and chorus might symbolize a sense of perseverance or an affirmation of the need for assistance during tough times.

The chorus calls for someone’s presence and assistance, emphasizing the desire to cling onto something or someone for support and comfort. The repeated pleas for help and the theme of needing someone “now” suggest a sense of urgency and immediacy in seeking solace, understanding, or a shoulder to lean on.

The outro, with the lines “It was really nice to meet you, I appreciate your time,” could be interpreted as a moment of gratitude or reflection. It might signify a gesture of appreciation towards someone who has provided support, listened, or been present during a difficult period in the narrator’s life.

Overall, “Around” appears to capture the vulnerability, longing, and yearning for connection that can arise during challenging times. It conveys a message of reaching out for help, valuing relationships, and acknowledging the importance of support systems in navigating the complexities of life’s struggles.

Lyrics of Around by daste.

Yeah, yeah, yeah
Help me hold onto something now
Need ya now
Help me hold onto something now
Keep around
Help me hold onto something now
Keep around
Help me hold onto something now
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Help me hold onto something now
Keep me around
Help me hold onto something now
Keep me around
Help me hold onto something now

I been through all of it 
Been through all of it 
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Help me hold onto something now
I been through all of it 
Been through all of it 
I been through all of it 
Been through all of it 

Yeah, yeah, yeah
Help me hold onto something now
Yeah, yДah, yeah
Help me hold onto somДthing now
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Help me hold onto something now
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Help me hold onto something

Yeah, yeah, yeah
Help me hold onto something now
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Help me hold onto something now
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Help me hold onto something now
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Help me hold onto something now
Need ya now
Help me hold onto something now
Keep around
Help me hold onto something now
Keep around
Help me hold onto something now
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Help me hold onto something now
Keep me around
Help me hold onto something now
Keep me around
Help me hold onto something now
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Help me hold onto something now
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Help me hold onto something now

It was really nice to meet you, I appreciate your time
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