Meaning and Lyrics of Apple by LA Priest

Song Lyrics meaning of Apple by LA Priest

About LA Priest

LA Priest is the musical project of Samuel Eastgate, a singer-songwriter and producer from the United Kingdom. He is known for his eclectic and experimental approach to music, blending elements of pop, electronic, and psychedelic genres. Eastgate first gained recognition as a member of the band Late of the Pier before embarking on his solo career as LA Priest. His music is characterized by its unique sound and adventurous production techniques. One of LA Priest’s notable songs is Apple, which showcases his signature style with its infectious beats and catchy melodies. The song reflects his innovative and boundary-pushing approach to music, drawing listeners in with its mesmerizing soundscapes. LA Priest continues to captivate audiences with his genre-defying music and creative vision.

Meaning of Apple by LA Priest

The song “Apple” by LA Priest delves into themes of introspection, self-awareness, and emotional turmoil. The lyrics speak to the complexities of human nature, relationships, and internal struggles. Here’s a detailed interpretation of the song:

Verse 1:
The opening verse sets the tone for self-reflection and contemplation. The lyrics describe a person who appears to be living in their thoughts and emotions, perhaps disconnected from the outside world. Despite their inner struggles, they maintain a facade, hiding their true feelings behind lies and masks. The question arises about whether the heart can continue to give without receiving anything in return, all while the individual grapples with the balance between truth and falsehood.

The chorus delves into the conflicting emotions and desires within a person’s heart, suggesting a longing for something elusive or unattainable. There’s a sense of yearning and ambiguity in the lyrics, posing questions about self-acceptance, self-discovery, and the pursuit of authentic happiness. The repetition of “Ooh, girl” and “Ooh, boy” hints at a sense of gendered emotions and struggles that are universal in nature.

Verse 2:
In the second verse, the focus shifts to the internal conflict and contradictions within oneself. The lyrics speak to the struggle between emotional vulnerability and self-preservation, as well as the pain of hiding one’s true feelings behind a facade. The mention of past relationships and escapism suggests a pattern of behavior where the individual seeks comfort in temporary distractions rather than facing their inner turmoil.

The chorus revisits the themes of introspection, self-deception, and seeking fulfillment in external sources. The lyrics highlight the consequences of ignoring one’s true emotions and desires, warning against avoiding personal growth and self-discovery. There’s a sense of urgency and realization in the repeated phrases, emphasizing the importance of confronting one’s inner conflicts and finding genuine happiness.

Overall, “Apple” by LA Priest serves as a poignant exploration of the complexities of human emotions, relationships, and the internal battles we face. The song encourages listeners to look within themselves, confront their inner demons, and strive for authenticity and emotional truth.

Lyrics of Apple by LA Priest

Verse 1
In your eyes, you are living inside in your head
When your heart has a limit, you don't need a friend
And in time, you are praying, you know what to say
Will the heart keep on giving without any gain?
In the night, like a curtain, you hold in the truth
And your lies, they are working, you know what to do

Ooh, boy, what you didn't find
What you let inside ? what's mine
Ooh, girl, what you ruling for
Would you rather be what you want to see?
Ooh, girl, what you love is true
What you let it do, what you let in me
Ooh, girl, what you going through
With your mind made up, what you want

Verse 2
Will you break your heart and wish him well?
Will your lies, you don't know it, but you already tell
Though your heart, it is hurting, and live out on its own
Many nights, many lovers, but you know where to run

Ooh, boy, what you didn't find
With your good advice, but you're dead inside
Ooh, girl, what you asking for?
Once you get enough, you don't have no more
Ooh, boy, don't you wait too long
When you get it right, you could be so wrong
Ooh, girl, when you hurt inside
When you get advice, you will know it, know it right

Discography LA Priest

Fase Luna

Release: 2023-05-05
Label: Domino Recording Co
Popularity: 👏
1. On
2. Silent
3. It’s You
4. Misty
5. Star
6. Sail On
7. Neon
8. Ocean
9. No More
Tracklist Collapse


Release: 2020-06-05
Label: Domino Recording Co
Popularity: 👏
1. Beginning
2. Rubber Sky
3. What Moves
4. Peace Lily
5. Open My Eyes
6. Sudden Thing
7. Monochrome
8. What Do You See
9. Kissing of the Weeds
10. Black Smoke
11. Ain’t No Love Affair
12. What Moves – Edit
13. Beginning – Edit
14. Rubber Sky – Edit
Tracklist Collapse


Release: 2015-06-29
Label: Domino Recording Co
Popularity: 👏
1. Occasion
2. Lady’s In Trouble With The Law
3. Gene Washes With New Arm
4. Oino
5. Party Zute / Learning To Love
6. Lorry Park
7. Night Train
8. Fabby
9. A Good Sign
10. Mountain
Tracklist Collapse

Upcoming Events for LA Priest

LA Priest

Price Range: $N/A
Date: 2024-06-01
Location: The White Hotel

LA Priest

Price Range: $N/A
Date: 2024-06-02
Location: Future Yard

LA Priest

Price Range: $N/A
Date: 2024-06-05
Location: Patterns
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Fase Luna

Release: 2023-05-05
Label: Domino Recording Co
Popularity: 👏
1. On
2. Silent
3. It’s You
4. Misty
5. Star
6. Sail On
7. Neon
8. Ocean
9. No More
Tracklist Collapse


Release: 2020-06-05
Label: Domino Recording Co
Popularity: 👏
1. Beginning
2. Rubber Sky
3. What Moves
4. Peace Lily
5. Open My Eyes
6. Sudden Thing
7. Monochrome
8. What Do You See
9. Kissing of the Weeds
10. Black Smoke
11. Ain’t No Love Affair
12. What Moves – Edit
13. Beginning – Edit
14. Rubber Sky – Edit
Tracklist Collapse


Release: 2015-06-29
Label: Domino Recording Co
Popularity: 👏
1. Occasion
2. Lady’s In Trouble With The Law
3. Gene Washes With New Arm
4. Oino
5. Party Zute / Learning To Love
6. Lorry Park
7. Night Train
8. Fabby
9. A Good Sign
10. Mountain
Tracklist Collapse
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