Meaning and Lyrics of Anyway by Louis Culture

Song Lyrics meaning of Anyway by Louis Culture

About Louis Culture

Louis Culture is a rising star in the UK hip-hop scene, hailing from South London. His unique blend of grime, jazz, and alternative rap has been turning heads since he first emerged in the late 2010s.

Born to Jamaican parents, Louis grew up immersed in a rich musical heritage, which clearly influences his eclectic sound. He first gained attention with his 2019 EP “Smile Soundsystem,” showcasing his introspective lyrics and smooth flow over atmospheric beats.

His track “Anyway” is a prime example of Louis Culture’s artistry, featuring his signature laid-back delivery over a hazy, jazz-infused instrumental. The song’s introspective lyrics and mellow vibe exemplify his ability to create thought-provoking yet accessible hip-hop.

Louis Culture’s music often explores themes of identity, mental health, and the complexities of modern life in London. His growing fanbase and critical acclaim suggest that he’s poised to become a significant voice in the evolving UK rap landscape.

Meaning of Anyway by Louis Culture

“Anyway” by Louis Culture is a poignant and introspective song that reflects on themes of loneliness, regret, and self-improvement. The chorus sets the tone for the song, expressing a sense of resignation and disappointment in a relationship that lacked depth and commitment. The repetition of the phrase “Guess we’re just some bad pals” highlights a lack of genuine connection and communication between the narrator and the other person.

In the first verse, the narrator acknowledges a certain comfort in solitude but also reveals a vulnerability when it comes to their feelings for the other person. Despite the shortcomings in the relationship, there is a desire to see the other person prosper and overcome their inner struggles. The mention of the “demon side” suggests inner turmoil and the need for guidance or support.

The pre-chorus brings a sense of nostalgia and longing, emphasizing the positive impact the other person had on the narrator. The imagery of riding a lime bike and reminiscing about shared moments adds a layer of bittersweet reminiscence to the song.

The second verse delves deeper into regret and the consequences of missed opportunities. The narrator reflects on a past decision to leave, which led to a sense of loss and the realization that things will never be the same. The use of the underground journey metaphorizes the progression of the relationship and the emotional distance that has since grown.

The repeated chorus reinforces the sense of disappointment and resignation, with the narrator accepting the futility of expecting a meaningful connection from someone who lacked the emotional depth and commitment needed for a genuine relationship. Overall, “Anyway” by Louis Culture captures the complexity of human emotions and the struggle to navigate relationships tainted by unmet expectations and unfulfilled potential.

Lyrics of Anyway by Louis Culture

Guess we're just some bad pals
Didn't have no backbone
You don't call up my phone
Don't expect it anyway
Guess we're just some bad pals
Didn't have no backbone
You don't call up my phone
Don't expect it anyway

Verse 1
I don't really mind being alone
But I poke my chest out for you
When you let me, I adore you
You tried to put my heart into your own
What we started before we went on a detour
Working on me this time (Working on me this time)
'Cause I wanna see you shine
Sick of that demon side (Sick of that demon side)
He don't even need the light
She don't even need me right now (Baby, I just need advice)
Baby, I just need advice
Isn't she lovely though? (That's songs in the key)
That's songs in the key of life

I had a nice time, baby
You bring out my nice side
You been on my mind lately
As I ride on this lime bike

Guess we're just some bad pals
Didn't have no backbone
You don't call up my phone
Don't expect it anyway
Guess we're just some bad pals
Didn't have no backbone
You don't call up my phone
Don't expect it anyway

Verse 2
As I stare at the ceiling
Thinking back to a better day
Still regret that I never stayed
Would've done if someone had told me
That was the last time I'd see your face
And I'd end up with someone else
But it didn't help, it don't feel the same
Now I vent about it on a stage
Do you have any idea just what you do to me?
I miss that journey on the underground then through to East
I got some flaws that I could work on, just like tiling
Bad predicaments that I'm in, you don't need
That's why I keep my distance

Guess we're just some bad pals
Didn't have no backbone
You don't call up my phone
Don't expect it anyway
Guess we're just some bad pals
Didn't have no backbone
You don't call up my phone
Don't expect it anyway

Discography Louis Culture

When Life Presents Obstacle

Release: 2022-11-25
Label: Different Recordings
1. Good Will Hunting
2. Southside Phenomenon
3. Twiss
4. Bezel
5. Kinfolk
6. Grime
7. July (interlude)
9. Together
10. 7AM
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Smile Soundsystem

Release: 2020-05-29
Label: Different Recordings
Popularity: đź‘Ź
1. First Date
2. Part 2
3. Being Me
4. Hanah Says Hi
5. 21
6. Britannia
7. For Your Own Good
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