Meaning and Lyrics of All Life Long by Conrad Sewell

Song Lyrics meaning of All Life Long by Conrad Sewell

About Conrad Sewell

Conrad Sewell

Conrad Sewell is an Australian singer and songwriter known for his soulful voice and pop music style. Born on March 31, 1988, in Brisbane, Australia, Sewell gained fame as the lead vocalist of the band Sons of Midnight before pursuing a solo career. In 2015, he achieved international success with his hit single “Start Again” and has since released popular songs such as “Healing Hands” and “All I Know.” Sewell’s powerful vocals and emotional lyrics have earned him critical acclaim and a devoted fan base worldwide.

One of his notable songs is “All Life Long,” a captivating track that showcases his impressive vocal range and heartfelt storytelling. Sewell’s music often explores themes of love, hope, and personal growth, resonating with listeners of all ages. His dynamic performances and raw authenticity continue to solidify his place as a rising star in the music industry.

Meaning of All Life Long by Conrad Sewell

“All Life Long” by Conrad Sewell delves into the complexities of addiction and the conflicted emotions that come with it. The lyrics suggest a tumultuous relationship with substance abuse as the singer grapples with the impact it has had on his life.

The opening lines address the singer’s struggles with his mental health, referencing therapy and personal trauma as contributing factors to his self-destructive behavior. The mention of “shrinking” metaphorically captures a sense of diminishing self-worth and inner turmoil.

The song then transitions to a more reflective tone, portraying the singer as a wanderer searching for understanding and connection. The reference to oxytocin, a hormone associated with bonding and affection, hints at a desire for genuine emotional connection that seems elusive. The nostalgia for “summer ’99” and the allusion to a significant person who brought joy into his life suggest a fleeting moment of happiness amidst the struggle.

The chorus encapsulates the singer’s conflicting feelings towards his addiction. Despite acknowledging its harmful effects, he also expresses gratitude for the comfort and escape it provides. The repetition of “all life long” conveys a sense of enduring attachment to this destructive relationship, highlighting the complexity of addiction and the struggles of breaking free from its grip.

The bridge reveals the singer’s attempts to break away from the cycle of addiction through rehab and leaving, but ultimately feeling incomplete without the substance. The juxtaposition of “empty” and “miss me” suggests a loss of identity when detached from the addictive behavior.

The final chorus brings a sense of resignation and acceptance as the singer acknowledges the detrimental impact of the addiction while also acknowledging the solace and familiarity it brings. The repetition of “all life long” reinforces the theme of enduring loyalty to something that simultaneously harms and comforts.

Overall, “All Life Long” delves into the internal conflict and complexity of addiction, exploring themes of longing, attachment, and self-destruction. It paints a poignant picture of a person grappling with their demons, seeking solace in a harmful yet familiar embrace.

Lyrics of All Life Long by Conrad Sewell

Call my shrink cause I’ve been shrinking
Miss when big nights were just a little drinking
Blame it on my trauma or issues with my mama
All life long

I’m a rambling wondering man
Thought that no one would understand
Blame it on the notion I’m out of oxytocin
Too far gone

But that summer ’99, you poured into my life
I tasted paradise and I loved you all life long
So many memories, damn you’ve been good to me
Come on and set me free
Let’s do this all life long

You feed my soul, stroke my ego
Make me feel better than anyone
All of the places that we’ll go
And I love you all lifе long

I’ve tried rehab
I’vе tried leaving
Kiss you goodbye
No hard feelings
Either way it’s empty
And honestly I miss me
When I’m with you

Cause that summer ’99, you poured into my life
I tasted paradise and I loved you all life long
So many memories, damn you’ve been good to me
Come on and set me free
Let’s do this all life long

You feed my soul, stroke my ego
Make me feel better than anyone
All of the places that we’ll go
And I love you all life long

(All life long we’ll be singing forever)
All life long
(All life long we’ll be drinking together)
We’ll be drinkin’
(All life)
(All life long)

All life long we’ll be singing forever
All life long we’ll be drinking together
All life
All life long

Cause that summer ‘99 you poured into my life
I tasted paradise and I loved you all life long
So many memories, I know you’re bad for me
But you always set me free
So I love you all life long

Discography Conrad Sewell


Release: 2023-03-03
Label: Sony Music Entertainment
1. God Save the Queen
2. Ferris Wheel
3. Ego
4. Make Me a Believer
5. Rolling Thunder
6. 33
7. Caroline
8. Slipping Away
9. Blood Sugar
10. Precious
11. Bittersweet
12. Tell Mum I Love He
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Release: 2019-05-17
Label: Sony Music Entertainment
Popularity: 👏
1. Testify
2. Changing
3. Healing Hands
4. Big World
5. Neighbourhood
7. Love Me Anyway
8. Light in the Dark
9. Come Clean
10. Unbound
11. Belong
12. Turn of the Knife
13. How to Love a Ghost
14. City of Angels
15. Start Again
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