Meaning and Lyrics of Abbey by Mitski

Song Lyrics meaning of Abbey by Mitski

About Mitski

Mitski Miyawaki, known professionally as Mitski, is a Japanese-American indie rock singer-songwriter who has carved out a unique space in the music landscape with her raw, emotive lyrics and genre-bending sound.

Born in 1990 in Japan, Mitski spent her childhood moving between countries due to her father’s job. This nomadic upbringing heavily influenced her music, which often explores themes of identity, belonging, and cultural displacement.

Mitski’s career began to take off with her third studio album, “Bury Me at Makeout Creek” (2014), but it was her fourth album, “Puberty 2” (2016), that catapulted her into indie stardom. Her breakout hit “Your Best American Girl” showcased her ability to blend vulnerable lyricism with powerful, distorted guitar work.

Her 2018 album “Be the Cowboy” further cemented her status as a critical darling, with tracks like “Nobody” becoming instant indie classics. Mitski’s music often juxtaposes delicate melodies with intense emotional content, creating a sound that’s both intimate and explosive.

While “Abbey” isn’t one of her more well-known tracks, it exemplifies Mitski’s knack for crafting songs that are both introspective and universally relatable. Her most recent album, “Laurel Hell” (2022), saw her experimenting with more synth-pop elements while maintaining her signature emotional depth.

Mitski’s influence on the indie rock scene is undeniable, inspiring a new generation of artists with her unapologetic approach to songwriting and performance.

Meaning of Abbey by Mitski

“Abbey” by Mitski is a poignant song that delves into themes of hunger, longing, and the juxtaposition of light and darkness in one’s life. The lyrics paint a vivid picture of inner turmoil and the quest for fulfillment amidst feelings of emptiness and waiting.

In the Verse 1, the repeated lines “I am hungry, I have been hungry, I was born hungry” convey a sense of deep-rooted hunger or desire that is inherent to the persona. This hunger could symbolize a yearning for something more meaningful or fulfilling in life. The subsequent lines reflect a search for identity and purpose, pondering “What do I need?” and “What could I be?”

The Chorus introduces a contrast between light and darkness. The imagery of seeing light only when there is darkness within suggests that moments of clarity or enlightenment often arise from inner struggles. The dream mentioned in the chorus represents a fleeting hope or aspiration that emerges during vulnerable moments, perhaps when the persona is most deeply introspective.

Moving to Verse 2, the theme of waiting is emphasized, with the repetition of “I am waiting, I have been waiting, I was born waiting.” This waiting could signify a sense of yearning for a significant change or resolution in the persona’s life. The lines “For that something, Just to want something” hint at a longing for fulfillment or purpose, suggesting a constant state of seeking.

In the second Chorus, the light within the persona is mentioned, indicating an inner source of strength or hope. However, this light seems to shine brightest in moments of darkness, emphasizing the transformative power of struggles and challenges. The recurring desire to be set free in the night underscores a yearning for liberation from internal conflicts or burdens.

Overall, “Abbey” by Mitski portrays a deep internal struggle for fulfillment, identity, and purpose. The song’s exploration of hunger, waiting, and the interplay between light and darkness conveys a sense of longing and introspection that resonates with themes of self-discovery and the pursuit of inner peace.

Lyrics of Abbey by Mitski

Verse 1
I am hungry
I have been hungry
I was born hungry
What do I need?
I am something
I have been something
I was born something
What could I be?

There is a light that I can see
But only, it seems, when there's darkness in me
There is a dream that I sometimes see
That only appears in the dark of sleep

Verse 2
I am waiting
I have been waiting
I was born waiting
I was born waiting
For that something
Just to want something
I was born something
I was born

There is a light, I feel it in me
But only, it seems, when the dark surrounds me
There is a dream and it sleeps in me
To awake in the night, crying "Set me free"
And I awake every night, crying "Set me free"

Discography Mitski

The Land Is Inhospitable and So Are We

Release: 2023-09-15
Label: Dead Oceans
Popularity: 👏👏👏👏
1. Bug Like an Angel
2. Buffalo Replaced
3. Heaven
4. I Don’t Like My Mind
5. The Deal
6. When Memories Snow
7. My Love Mine All Mine
8. The Frost
9. Star
10. I’m Your Man
11. I Love Me After You
Tracklist Collapse

Laurel Hell

Release: 2022-02-04
Label: Dead Oceans
Popularity: 👏👏👏
1. Valentine, Texas
2. Working for the Knife
3. Stay Soft
4. Everyone
5. Heat Lightning
6. The Only Heartbreaker
7. Love Me More
8. There’s Nothing Left for You
9. Should’ve Been Me
10. I Guess
11. That’s Our Lamp
Tracklist Collapse

Be the Cowboy

Release: 2018-08-17
Label: Dead Oceans
Popularity: 👏👏👏
1. Geyser
2. Why Didn’t You Stop Me?
3. Old Friend
4. A Pearl
5. Lonesome Love
6. Remember My Name
7. Me and My Husband
8. Come into the Water
9. Nobody
10. Pink in the Night
11. A Horse Named Cold Air
12. Washing Machine Heart
13. Blue Light
14. Two Slow Dancers
Tracklist Collapse

Upcoming Events for Mitski


Price Range: $65.5 – 185
Date: 2024-09-21
Location: Moda Center


Price Range: $39.5 – 199.75
Date: 2024-09-12
Location: Moody Center ATX


Price Range: $45 – 125
Date: 2024-08-30
Location: Merriweather Post Pavilion
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The Land Is Inhospitable and So Are We

Release: 2023-09-15
Label: Dead Oceans
Popularity: 👏👏👏👏
1. Bug Like an Angel
2. Buffalo Replaced
3. Heaven
4. I Don’t Like My Mind
5. The Deal
6. When Memories Snow
7. My Love Mine All Mine
8. The Frost
9. Star
10. I’m Your Man
11. I Love Me After You
Tracklist Collapse

Laurel Hell

Release: 2022-02-04
Label: Dead Oceans
Popularity: 👏👏👏
1. Valentine, Texas
2. Working for the Knife
3. Stay Soft
4. Everyone
5. Heat Lightning
6. The Only Heartbreaker
7. Love Me More
8. There’s Nothing Left for You
9. Should’ve Been Me
10. I Guess
11. That’s Our Lamp
Tracklist Collapse

Be the Cowboy

Release: 2018-08-17
Label: Dead Oceans
Popularity: 👏👏👏👏
1. Geyser
2. Why Didn’t You Stop Me?
3. Old Friend
4. A Pearl
5. Lonesome Love
6. Remember My Name
7. Me and My Husband
8. Come into the Water
9. Nobody
10. Pink in the Night
11. A Horse Named Cold Air
12. Washing Machine Heart
13. Blue Light
14. Two Slow Dancers
Tracklist Collapse
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