Meaning and Lyrics of À Batignolles by Aristide Bruant

Song Lyrics meaning of À Batignolles by Aristide Bruant

About Aristide Bruant

Aristide Bruant: The Voice of Montmartre’s Underworld Aristide Bruant (1851-1925) stands as one of the most iconic figures of the French cabaret scene in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Born Louis Armand Aristide Bruand, he became a towering influence in the Bohemian district of Montmartre in Paris, utilizing his sharp wit and piercing social commentary to leave an indelible mark on French chanson. Bruant’s career took flight when he started performing at the iconic cabaret, Le Chat Noir. Known for his commanding stage presence, swathed in his trademark red scarf and black cape, he sang about the darker side of Parisian life—the poverty, the criminal underbelly, and the raw emotions of the working class. His songs, often delivered with a biting, sardonic edge, were also laced with genuine empathy for the downtrodden, making him a spokesman for the disenfranchised. One such example of his evocative storytelling is the song “À Batignolles”. This track is a masterclass in chanson réaliste, painting a vivid portrait of life in the Batignolles district. Bruant’s gravelly voice, coupled with his use of argot, the French criminal slang, brings an authenticity that resonates deeply with listeners. The song encapsulates his ability to mix humor with pathos, capturing the essence of a Paris that was both gritty and poetic. Beyond his music, Bruant also influenced visual art—most notably, through his collaborations with the artist Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, who immortalized him in several striking posters. These images have become synonymous with the very soul of the Montmartre cabaret scene. In addition to his work as a musician and performer, Bruant was a prolific writer. He penned numerous songs, poems, and even opened his own cabaret, Le Mirliton, where he continued to entertain and critique the society of his time. Bruant’s legacy is one of fearless artistic expression. He remains a seminal figure in French music, whose influence can be traced through subsequent generations of chanson singers and songwriters. His work is a testament to the power of art as a mirror to society—a blend of scathing critique and heartfelt celebration of life’s multifaceted realities.

Meaning of À Batignolles by Aristide Bruant

Aristide Bruant’s  “À Batignolles”: A Lampoon of Parisian Desperation

Aristide Bruant was no ordinary chanson singer; he was a chronicler of the raw, unfiltered underbelly of Parisian life. In “À Batignolles,” Bruant sketches a vivid portrait of a young woman’s tragic life in the working-class neighborhood of Batignolles. From start to finish, the song intertwines dark comedy and poignant social commentary, typical of Bruant’s unique brand of storytelling.

I. The Ill-Fated Flora: A Character Study

The song opens with the stark declaration that the protagonist’s mother is named Flora and that she never knew her father. **”Sa maman s’appelait Flora, A connaissait pas son papa.” This single line encapsulates a life destined for hardship and marginalization, flagging the absence of paternal influence and the resulting social stigma.

Flora was sent to school “tout’ jeune” (very young) in Batignolles. Interestingly, Bruant likens her growth to a mushroom: “A poussa comme un champignon,” underscoring both her rapid development and a sort of organic, almost accidental flourishing amidst an environment of negligence and violence.

II. Bruant’s Signature Satirical Edge

The physical and behavioral traits of Flora are described with a blend of humor and detriment. She’s introduced with idiosyncratic charms: “coiffée à la chien” (her hair styled like a dog) and “chantait comme eun’ petite folle” (she sang like a little madwoman).

Her physical appearance is depicted with a touch of whimsy: with hair like a halo (“cheveux couleur de feu”), a round nose (“rond comme eun’ croquignolle”), and a mischievous sparkle despite the poverty she faced.

Yet, there’s an edge to Bruant’s humor; it’s clear he isn’t romanticizing her plight. Instead, he highlights the contradiction between her naive charm and the harsh realities of her environment.

III. The Darker Undertone of Addiction and Deception

As the song progresses, a grim reality is unveiled. Flora drinks enough to exude the stench of petrol (“On croyait r’nifler du pétrole”), and her modest earnings underscore her limited prospects.

The relationship between the narrator and Flora is painted with skeptical affection. He accepts her shortcomings until the ultimate betrayal – her infidelity with Anatole. This climactic revelation brings forth Bruant’s knack for capturing the bitter flavors of love and betrayal: “Je l’ai aimée autant qu’j’ai pu, mais j’ai pus pu lorsque j’ai su qu’a m’trompait avec Anatole.”

IV. A Diegetic Twist and Moral Irony

With Anatole revealed as a “mouchard” (informant), the atmosphere intensifies. Bruant’s deliberately folksy moralism punctuates the song: “La marmite aim’ ben la cass’rol” (The pot loves the lid), suggesting Flora’s predisposition to align with another dubious character.

In a dramatic turn of poetic justice, Flora’s fate is sealed by a fatal bout of smallpox: “A vient d’mourir de la variole.” Here, Bruant wields divine retribution as a tool of dark irony. The line “le bon Dieu m’a ben vengé” carries a chilling, almost vindictive satisfaction.

V. The Moral of the Dirge

True to the structure of traditional ballads, Bruant ends with a moral reflection that is both sarcastic and tragic: “C’tte oraison-là, c’est qu’les p’tit’s fill’s qu’a pas d’papa doiv’nt jamais aller à l’école à Batignolles.” The hyperbole underscores the vicious circle of poverty and misfortune, ironically suggesting that those missing paternal guidance are better off avoiding formal education altogether to escape their predestined ruin.

Conclusion: Bruant’s Role as the Chronicler of the Margins

In “À Batignolles,” Aristide Bruant crafts a tableau that’s as much a social critique as it is a personalized story of love, betrayal, and destitution. His genius lies in his ability to evoke empathy while painting in broad, unflinching strokes. The song’s gallows humor, combined with its astute observations, makes it a powerful piece of music, resonating with a harsh yet heartfelt authenticity.

Bruant remains a masterful purveyor of the chanson réaliste, with “À Batignolles” standing as a testament to his craft – unflinching, raw, and unapologetically true to the lives it portrays.

Lyrics of À Batignolles by Aristide Bruant

Sa maman s'appelait Flora
A connaissait pas son papa
Tout' jeune on la mit à l'école
A Batignolles

A poussa comme un champignon
Malgré qu'alle ait r'çu pus d'un gnon
L'soir en faisant la cabriole
A Batignolles

Alle avait des manièr's très bien
Alle était coiffée à la chien
A chantait comme eun' petit' folle
A Batignolles

Quand a s'balladait, sous l'ciel bleu
Avec ses ch'veux couleur de feu
On croyait voir une auréole
A Batignolles

Alle avait encor' tout's ses dents
Son p'tit nez, oùsqu'i' pleuvait d'dans
Etait rond comme eun' croquignolle
A Batignolles

A buvait pas, mais assez
Et quand a vous soufflait dans l'nez
On croyait r'nifler du pétrole
A Batignolles

Ses appas étaient pas ben gros
Mais j'me disais : Quand on est dos
On peut nager avec eun' sole
A Batignolles

A gagnait pas beaucoup d'argent
Mais j'étais pas ben exigeant !…
On vend d'l'amour pour eun obole
A Batignolles

Je l'ai aimée autant qu'j'ai pu
Mais j'ai pus pu lorsque j'ai su
Qu'a m'trompait avec Anatole
A Batignolles

Ca d'vait arrivé, tôt ou tard
Car Anatol' c'est un mouchard…
La marmite aim' ben la cass'rol
A Batignolles

Alors a m'a donné congé
Mais le bon Dieu m'a ben vengé :
A vient d'mourir de la variole
A Batignolles

La moral' de c'tte oraison-là
C'est qu'les p'tit's fill's qu'a pas d'papa
Doiv'nt jamais aller à l'école
A Batignolles

Discography Aristide Bruant

Chansons françaises des années 1900 : Aristide Bruant, Vol. 1

Release: 2015-01-19
Label: Mon patrimoine musical
1. Le Chat noir
2. A la Bastille
3. Ah les salauds
4. À la Bastoche
5. À Saint-Lazare
6. À Saint Ouen
7. Dans la rue
8. Nini peau d’chien
9. A Batignolles
10. À la glacière
11. À la Goutte d’Or
12. Sur la route de Louviers
13. A biribi
14. À Grenelle
15. Belleville Menilmontant
16. À Montrouge
17. Au bois de Boulogne
18. La chanson des michetons
19. À Montpernasse
20. Chant d’apaches
21. L’Enterrement de belle maman
22. Tu ne manieras pas mes tétons
23. La ronde des marmites
24. Meunier, meunier, tu es cocu
25. Halte-là !
26. Que reste-t-il de nos amours ?
Tracklist Collapse

Thaïs, Acte II, Nocturnes & Other Classical Masterpieces (Remastered 2023)

Release: 2015
Label: Mon patrimoine musical
1. Thaïs, Acte II, La Méditation (Remastered 2023)
2. Les Contes d’Hoffmann / Act 4: Entr’acte (Barcarolle)
3. Nocturnes L. 91: No. 1, Nuages
4. Nocturnes L. 91: No. 2, Fêtes
5. Bourrée fantasque
6. La Vie Parisienne, Ouverture (Remastered 2023)
7. Orphée Aux Enfers, Ouverture (Remastered 2023)
8. Le Chat noi
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L'essentiel d'Aristide Bruant en 14 titres (Mono Version)

Release: 2014-10-15
Label: BNF Collection
1. À Montmartre
2. Dans la rue
3. Ah ! Les salauds
4. A la glacière
5. Le 113e de ligne
6. À la Villette
7. À Montrouge
8. L’Enterrement de belle maman
9. À la Goutte d’or
10. Nini peau d’chien
11. Cinq minutes chez Bruant
12. Meeting de protestation
13. Chez les apaches
14. La rafle
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Chansons françaises des années 1900 : Aristide Bruant, Vol. 1

Release: 2015-01-19
Label: Mon patrimoine musical
1. Le Chat noir
2. A la Bastille
3. Ah les salauds
4. À la Bastoche
5. À Saint-Lazare
6. À Saint Ouen
7. Dans la rue
8. Nini peau d’chien
9. A Batignolles
10. À la glacière
11. À la Goutte d’Or
12. Sur la route de Louviers
13. A biribi
14. À Grenelle
15. Belleville Menilmontant
16. À Montrouge
17. Au bois de Boulogne
18. La chanson des michetons
19. À Montpernasse
20. Chant d’apaches
21. L’Enterrement de belle maman
22. Tu ne manieras pas mes tétons
23. La ronde des marmites
24. Meunier, meunier, tu es cocu
25. Halte-là !
26. Que reste-t-il de nos amours ?
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Thaïs, Acte II, Nocturnes & Other Classical Masterpieces (Remastered 2023)

Release: 2015
Label: Mon patrimoine musical
1. Thaïs, Acte II, La Méditation (Remastered 2023)
2. Les Contes d’Hoffmann / Act 4: Entr’acte (Barcarolle)
3. Nocturnes L. 91: No. 1, Nuages
4. Nocturnes L. 91: No. 2, Fêtes
5. Bourrée fantasque
6. La Vie Parisienne, Ouverture (Remastered 2023)
7. Orphée Aux Enfers, Ouverture (Remastered 2023)
8. Le Chat noi
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L'essentiel d'Aristide Bruant en 14 titres (Mono Version)

Release: 2014-10-15
Label: BNF Collection
1. À Montmartre
2. Dans la rue
3. Ah ! Les salauds
4. A la glacière
5. Le 113e de ligne
6. À la Villette
7. À Montrouge
8. L’Enterrement de belle maman
9. À la Goutte d’or
10. Nini peau d’chien
11. Cinq minutes chez Bruant
12. Meeting de protestation
13. Chez les apaches
14. La rafle
Tracklist Collapse
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