Meaning and Lyrics of 12 Minute Walk by Bow Anderson

Song Lyrics meaning of 12 Minute Walk by Bow Anderson

About Bow Anderson

Bow Anderson is a rising star in the pop music scene, hailing from Edinburgh, Scotland. This talented singer-songwriter burst onto the scene with her unique blend of retro-tinged pop and soulful vocals.

Anderson’s journey began in her teenage years when she discovered her passion for music while recovering from a gymnastics injury. This setback became the catalyst for her musical career, as she channeled her energy into songwriting and developing her distinctive sound.

Her breakthrough came with the release of her debut single “Sweater” in 2020, which quickly gained traction on streaming platforms and social media. The song’s infectious melody and relatable lyrics struck a chord with listeners, propelling Anderson into the spotlight.

“12 Minute Walk” showcases Anderson’s knack for crafting catchy, emotionally resonant pop tunes. The track’s punchy production and Anderson’s powerhouse vocals demonstrate her ability to blend contemporary pop sensibilities with a classic soul edge.

As Bow Anderson continues to make waves in the industry, her growing fanbase eagerly anticipates each new release. With her unique sound and undeniable talent, she’s poised to become a major force in the pop music landscape.

Meaning of 12 Minute Walk by Bow Anderson

The song “12 Minute Walk” by Bow Anderson delves into the emotions and fears that many individuals, particularly women, experience when walking alone, emphasizing the importance of safety and vigilance in today’s world.

In the Verse 1, the lyrics vividly describe the common scenario of feeling vulnerable and anxious when walking alone, especially at night. The mention of being on high alert and the fear induced by footsteps captures the paranoia that can arise in such situations. The singer reflects on the randomness of danger, highlighting that the same fate could have befallen her.

The Pre-Chorus talks about the seemingly short distance of a twelve-minute walk, but in reality, it feels long and fraught with potential risks. This sets the tone for the underlying message of the song – that even seemingly short journeys can feel perilous.

The Chorus continues to underline the precautions taken by the protagonist to ensure her safety, such as staying on the phone while running and covering up to avoid unwanted attention. The reference to horror stories and the worry of loved ones, like the singer’s mom, further emphasizes the pervasive fear within society regarding personal safety.

In Verse 2, the financial constraints that limit the protagonist from always taking a cab highlight the systemic issues that can further exacerbate feelings of vulnerability. The clinging to keys as a source of self-defense paints a picture of the precautions individuals, especially women, feel compelled to take in order to protect themselves.

The Outro section adds a personal touch to the narrative, showcasing the common practice of checking in with friends to ensure their safe arrival home. The repeated emphasis on safety over trust reflects the underlying theme of the song – prioritizing caution and self-preservation in potentially risky situations.

Overall, “12 Minute Walk” by Bow Anderson encapsulates the internal struggles and external pressures faced by individuals, particularly women, when navigating public spaces. The song serves as a poignant reminder of the need for heightened awareness and proactive measures to mitigate risks and ensure personal safety in an uncertain world.

Lyrics of 12 Minute Walk by Bow Anderson

Verse 1
Happened again, just 'round the corner
Friend of a friend, was just there before her
It could have so easily been me (Easily been me)
On high alert as it gets darker
When I hear footsteps, my heart beats harder
You wouldn't believe the things I've seen (Believe the things I've seen)

A twelve-minute walk isn't long
But it's long enough

So I'll keep, hangin' on the phone while I'm runnin' down the road
Till I'm safе and back at home again
So I'll cover up my legs 'causе I know what to expect
And it's just not worth me riskin' it
'Cause we've all heard the horror stories
No wonder my mom gets worried
Why can't I trust anybody?
It's better to be safe than sorry

Verse 2
I can't afford to always take a cab
But when I don't, I always wish I had
My knuckles go white around my keys (Around my keys)

You don't always think when the drinks are still
Wearin' off
A twelve-minute walk isn't long
But it's long enough

So I'll keep, hangin' on the phone while I'm runnin' down the road
Till I'm safe and back at home again
So I'll cover up my legs 'cause I know what to expect
And it's just not worth me riskin' it
'Cause we've all heard the horror stories
No wonder my mom gets worried
Why can't I trust anybody?
It's better to be safe than sorry

Ooh (Hey that's me, just back in now, did you get home okay?)
Ooh (Did you just want to stay at mine? Stay safe)
Ooh (Hey, it's me, um, I've just got home, I haven't heard from you)
(It was so good to see you tonight, and I just wanted, hey love)
Ooh (Text me when you get home, so I know you're safe)
It's better to be safe than sorry (I'm about to be at the intersection)
Ooh (Don't forget to talk to me when you get home, promise?)
Ooh (Um, it was so good to see you tonight, and I just wanted)
Ooh (To make sure you got home alright)
Why can't I trust anybody?
It's better to be safe than sorry
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