Meaning and Lyrics of 晴天 by Jay Chou

Song Lyrics meaning of 晴天 by Jay Chou

About Jay Chou

Jay Chou is a Taiwanese musician, singer, songwriter, and actor who has become one of the most successful and influential artists in the Chinese music industry. Known for blending contemporary pop music with traditional Chinese elements, Chou has achieved worldwide fame and recognition for his unique musical style. He made his debut in 2000 with the album “Jay” and has since released numerous successful albums and singles. One of his most popular songs is 晴天 (Qíng Tiān), which translates to “Clear Day.” This heartwarming ballad showcases Chou’s signature style with its catchy melody and introspective lyrics that often reflect on love, life, and nostalgia. “晴天” has become a favorite among fans and has solidified Jay Chou’s status as a musical icon in the Chinese-speaking world.

Meaning of 晴天 by Jay Chou

The song “晴天” by Jay Chou tells a poignant story that reflects on love, loss, and longing. The lyrics paint a picture of memories and emotions that resonate with many listeners.

The opening lines talk about a small yellow flower that has been drifting since birth, symbolizing the fleeting nature of childhood and how time passes by quickly. The imagery of swinging on a swing in childhood evokes a sense of nostalgia and the passage of time, as memories continue to sway from the past to the present.

The repetition of sounds in the following lines adds a musical quality to the lyrics and conveys a sense of longing and emotion. The mention of watching the sky and petals falling creates a visual and sensory experience that parallels the feelings of loss and separation.

The chorus expresses regret and a yearning to go back to certain moments in the past, such as skipping class for someone, witnessing the falling of flowers, and longing for lost rain. There is a sense of vulnerability and a desire to ask questions that may never find answers, like whether someone will wait or leave.

The reference to windy weather symbolizes the turbulence and uncertainty in relationships. The singer attempts to hold onto a loved one’s hand but loses sight of them in the growing rain, highlighting the difficulty of maintaining connection amid challenges. The repeated question of how long one must wait to be reunited with the loved one conveys a sense of anticipation and longing.

The lyrics then describe a past love that lasted a long time but ultimately ended with a goodbye. The gradual distance created by circumstances and time is depicted as the wind blowing them apart, making it hard to sustain the love that was so cherished. Despite the hardships, there is a fleeting moment of being able to love a little longer before ultimately having to say goodbye.

In essence, “晴天” captures the complexities of love, the passage of time, and the bittersweet nature of relationships. It reflects on the inevitability of change and the emotional journey of coming to terms with loss, longing, and moving on. Jay Chou’s heartfelt delivery and poignant lyrics make this song a touching and relatable exploration of human emotions.

Lyrics of 晴天 by Jay Chou


ㄖㄨㄟ ㄙㄡ ㄙㄡ ㄒㄧ ㄉㄛ ㄒㄧ ㄌㄚ
ㄙㄡ ㄌㄚ ㄒㄧ ㄒㄧ ㄒㄧ ㄒㄧ ㄌㄚ ㄒㄧ ㄌㄚ ㄙㄡ

吹着前奏望着天空 我想起花瓣试着掉落


但故事的最后 你好像还是说了拜拜

Discography Jay Chou


Release: 2022-07-15
Label: Universal Music Taiwan (JVR)
Popularity: 👏👏👏
1. Intro
2. 最偉大的作品
3. 還在流浪
4. 說好不哭
5. 紅顏如霜
6. 不愛我就拉倒
7. Mojito
8. 錯過的煙火
9. 等你下課
10. 粉色海洋
11. 倒影
12. 我是如此相信
Tracklist Collapse


Release: 2019-11-11
Label: Universal Music Taiwan (JVR)
Popularity: 👏👏
1. 英雄 – Live
2. 雙截棍 – Live
3. 開不了口 – Live
4. 床邊故事 – Live
5. 夜曲+竊愛 – Live
6. 以父之名 – Live
7. 美人魚 – Live
8. 我要夏天 – Live
9. 我的時代 – Live
10. 晴天 – Live
11. 稻香 – Live
12. 青花瓷 – Live
13. 愛的飛行日記 – Live
14. 楓+退後+擱淺 – Live
15. 爸 我回來了 – Live
16. 鞋子特大號 – Live
17. 半島鐵盒 – Live
18. 印地安老斑鳩 – Live
19. 大笨鐘+暗號+彩虹+龍捲風 – Live
20. 土耳其冰淇淋
21. Now You See Me
22. 告白汽球 – Live
23. 爺爺泡的茶 – Live
24. 七里香 – Live
25. 說走就走
Tracklist Collapse


Release: 2016-06-24
Label: Universal Music Taiwan (JVR)
Popularity: 👏👏
1. 床邊故事
2. 說走就走
3. 一點點
4. 前世情人
5. 英雄
6. 不該
7. 土耳其冰淇淋
8. 告白氣球
9. Now You See Me
10. 愛情廢柴
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Release: 2022-07-15
Label: Universal Music Taiwan (JVR)
Popularity: 👏👏👏
1. Intro
2. 最偉大的作品
3. 還在流浪
4. 說好不哭
5. 紅顏如霜
6. 不愛我就拉倒
7. Mojito
8. 錯過的煙火
9. 等你下課
10. 粉色海洋
11. 倒影
12. 我是如此相信
Tracklist Collapse


Release: 2019-11-11
Label: Universal Music Taiwan (JVR)
Popularity: 👏👏
1. 英雄 – Live
2. 雙截棍 – Live
3. 開不了口 – Live
4. 床邊故事 – Live
5. 夜曲+竊愛 – Live
6. 以父之名 – Live
7. 美人魚 – Live
8. 我要夏天 – Live
9. 我的時代 – Live
10. 晴天 – Live
11. 稻香 – Live
12. 青花瓷 – Live
13. 愛的飛行日記 – Live
14. 楓+退後+擱淺 – Live
15. 爸 我回來了 – Live
16. 鞋子特大號 – Live
17. 半島鐵盒 – Live
18. 印地安老斑鳩 – Live
19. 大笨鐘+暗號+彩虹+龍捲風 – Live
20. 土耳其冰淇淋
21. Now You See Me
22. 告白汽球 – Live
23. 爺爺泡的茶 – Live
24. 七里香 – Live
25. 說走就走
Tracklist Collapse


Release: 2016-06-24
Label: Universal Music Taiwan (JVR)
Popularity: 👏👏👏
1. 床邊故事
2. 說走就走
3. 一點點
4. 前世情人
5. 英雄
6. 不該
7. 土耳其冰淇淋
8. 告白氣球
9. Now You See Me
10. 愛情廢柴
Tracklist Collapse
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